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Mini Tween
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Mini Tween is a quick and easy tweening tool that specializes in effects and animation processing and is highly optimized. A tween consists of position, rotation, scale, anchoredPosition, sizeDelta, color, alpha, timer Component Animation Properties A property that is common to all tweens. Flags You can set up Loop, PingPong, or both Update Set the update method. For Manual, you must call OnUpdate directly. Animation The maximum time of an 'animation curve' is 1.0 Delay Startup Delay Duration Total time Events FirstLastPosition - Applies to both FirstPosition and LastPosition LastPosition - Called when moving to the last position in forward play FirstPosition - Called when moving to the first position in backward play Enabled - Start event Disabled - End event Preview the animation before playmode Tween Properties TweenPosition Move the position from "From" to "To" Local Local space World World space Offset World space with the parent's location as the ...